Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities announced as client for 2025 MinneMUDAC student data challenge

The 2025 MinneMUDAC Student Data Challenge is coming up April 5th, 2025, and we are proud to announce Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Twin Cities as this year’s client. 

“We are thrilled to be partnering with MinneAnalytics and the University of Minnesota Data Science Initiative on your upcoming student data science challenge,” said Pat Sukhum, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities. “As you can imagine, for a large youth mentoring organization like ours we have thousands of relationship touch points between the volunteer mentors in our programs and the youth and families we serve in our communities. That equals a lot of data. We’ve been able to use it in great ways to tell stories around participation, and we look forward to working with you to dive even deeper to understand the value and the impact of those relationships in the community.”

MinneMUDAC is a month-long data challenge inviting students to explore real-world data while enhancing and showcasing their skills. This is the sixth edition of this experiential learning event. Each iteration partners with a client to provide unique challenge questions and data sets to explore. Past clients include the Minnesota Twins, FarmFemmes, and Optum.

Registration is open now at this link.

MinneMUDAC 2025 is co-produced by MinneAnalytics, the Data Science Initiative at the University of Minnesota, and the Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition (MUDAC).
