Food, Ag, Sustainability, & Supply Chain in Tech Conference
Dec. 9, 2019, at Science Museum of Minnesota
Register Now
The first-ever MinneAnalytics Data Science and Tech Conference focused on Food, Ag, Supply Chain, and Sustainability is coming to the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul on Dec. 9. Join hundreds of your peers in the data science and tech community at this free event as we explore the latest topics with more than 40 speakers. Reserve your spot now! Register→
Explore the conference schedule
MinneAnalytics uses Sched to create our event schedules. After you register, you’ll be able to log in to Sched to plan your personalized conference experience, as well as rate the sessions you attend. Explore conference schedule→
Give back by bringing a food item to the conference
As this is an event focused on food, we thought we’d offer you the opportunity to provide a gift of food to someone in need. We’re asking our attendees to help stock the food shelves at Neighborhood House by bringing a food item to the conference to donate. Of course, this is totally voluntary, but please consider giving back to the community if at all possible!