Assistant/Associate Professor of Statistics (Fixed-Term, Non-Probationary)

Website St. Cloud State University

Bold. Innovative. Focused.

Job Description

The successful candidate will teach a mix of introductory statistics courses and more advanced statistics and data science courses, be involved in curricular updating of the statistics program, serve on department committees, be professionally active, and perform other duties as assigned. In addition, interested candidates may be assigned to manage/direct the Statistical Consulting and Research Center which provides statistical expertise for students, faculty, and external clients.

The successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain a professional goal to become an outstanding teacher-scholar through the use of research-based, best-practices pedagogy. They are expected to teach using both in-person and alternative delivery methods such as online and hybrid. They will regularly engage in ongoing professional development opportunities focused on pedagogical growth.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree (or equivalent) in Statistics, Data Science, or closely related area
  • Demonstrated potential to be an effective instructor utilizing best teaching practices
  • Evidence of excellent communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to teach and work with persons from culturally diverse backgrounds

Preferred Qualification

  • A Ph.D. in Statistics, Data Science, or closely related area
  • Statistical consulting experience
  • Experience engaging students in experiential learning through real-world projects
  • Experience with teaching and assessment of online courses

Required Documents to Apply

  • Resume/CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Three (3) professional references
  • Unofficial transcripts (Official transcripts will be required at time of employment)

Position Information

Appointment Type: Fixed Term Non-Probationary (FTNP) 9 month appointment

Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications

See the full listing here.  Apply by 4/17/2025.
