MinneAnalytics proudly announces Kapil Khanal as a recipient of a 2017 MinneAnalytics Scholarship. The award is part of $17,000 in scholarships MinneAnalytics has already committed to the next generation of data scientists in 2017
Originally from Nepal, Kapil is a first-year student at Winona State University where he is double-majoring in data science and mathematics.
He decided to attend WSU because of the strength of the data science curriculum and the passion of the faculty: “The faculty here really get to know you and show genuine interest in each student.”
According to professors, Kapil has excelled both in and out of the classroom. His team attained a second-place finish for Prediction Accuracy at the 2017 Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition (MUDAC) and finished in the top five in the undergraduate division at MinneMUDAC last year.
MinneAnalytics Scholarships are awarded to students who display a passion for pursuing a career in analytics and a commitment to engaging with the community. Initially, twelve universities were asked to nominate a student meeting the criteria to receive a $1,000 award. Each recipients is then eligible for the Grand Prize of $5,000 to be awarded later this year.
We would like to thank our members and sponsors for making this investment in the future generation of data scientists and analytics professionals possible.