Tips for your speaker proposal

Follow these guideline to ensure your submission hits all the right notes.

  1. Presentation title
    Your presentation title should be concise and make it clear what your talk is about. Around 8-12 words is the sweet spot.
  2. Presentation abstract
    Your abstract should outline the objective and main points of your talk. Tell the audience what you will cover, as well as key takeaways, without making it too long. We need more than one sentence, but we don’t need a dissertation. A paragraph or two is fine.
  3. Technical level
    Our audience is not afraid of technical talks – in fact, many attendees want more technical content. If your presentation requires some prerequisite knowledge, be sure to include that in your abstract so people know what to expect.
  4. Speaker bio
    Let us know about your relevant experience, but keep it short and sweet. One paragraph is plenty.
  5. No sales pitches
    This is pretty straightforward – your session should be informative, not promotional.