This fall, we invited undergraduate and graduate students to explore real-world healthcare data for MinneMUDAC 2018. Last Saturday, Nov. 4, more than 60 teams gathered in Eden Prairie to present their results to judges from the analytics community.
Category: Education
Meet MinneAnalytics Scholarship recipient Kapil Khanal
MinneAnalytics proudly announces Kapil Khanal as a recipient of a 2017 MinneAnalytics Scholarship. The award is part of $17,000 in scholarships MinneAnalytics has already committed to the next generation of data scientists in 2017
Date set for MinneMUDAC 2017
Last year’s MinneMUDAC, the college level analytic team competition, had teams from over 20 colleges and universities from the Upper Midwest. This year’s event is now scheduled for Saturday, November 4th, and promises to be even bigger and better for the students involved. To make sure it is, we need your help.
You and your organization have two opportunities to be involved. As a judge, you’ll join other business and academic professionals in evaluating the work done by some of the brightest and most engaged students in the area. And this year the students will come from three separate groups: two year undergraduate programs, four year undergraduate programs and graduate level programs.
This year we’re also considering expanding the mini-job fair from last year. Last year’s job fair participants were enthusiastic about their opportunity to visit with and interview students who shared both examples of the work they’ve done and descriptions of the processes/procedures they had followed as part of in preparing for the MinneMUDAC event.
If you or others in your organization would like to be involved in expanding the event, we’d love to hear from you. Contact